Full Movie Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen Movie Streaming
Watch Movie Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen Movie Streaming with duration 89 Min and broadcast on 2004-02-17 with MPAA rating is 15.
- Original Title : Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen
- Movie title in your country : Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen
- Year of movie : 2004
- Genres of movie :
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2004-02-17
- Companies of movie : Walt Disney Pictures,
- Countries of movie : United States of America,
- Language of movie : English,
- Durationof movie : 89 Min
- Average vote of movie : 4.8
- Youtube ID of movie : wDfuzYHYqC0
- Translation of movie : EN,DE,IT,FR,NL,SV,ES,DA,
- Cast of movie :
- Lindsay Lohan as Mary Elizabeth Cep
- Adam Garcia as Stu
- Glenne Headly as Karen
- Alison Pill as Ella
- Megan Fox as Carla
- Barbara Mamabolo as Robin
- Pedro Miguel Arce as le contrleur de billets
- Jessica Barrera as
She's making a scene over everything.Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen Synopsis:Play Streaming Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen When the teenager Mary Elizabeth Steppe, a.k.a. Lola, moves with her mother and two younger twin sisters from New York to the suburb of Dellwood, New Jersey, she has the feeling that her cultural and entertaining world ended. While in school, the displaced Lola becomes close friend of the unpopular Ella, who is also a great fan of the her favorite rock band Sidarthur. However, the most popular girl in the school, Carla Santini, disputes the lead role in an adaptation of Pygmalion with Lola and also the leadership of their mates. When the last concert of Sidarthur is sold-out, Lola plans with Ella to travel to New York and buy the tickets from scalpers. However, the girls get into trouble while helping the lead singer and Lola's idol Stu Wolf, changing their lives forever. Watch Movie Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen Movie Streaming
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Director : Sara Sugarman, Novel : Dyan Sheldon, Screenplay : Gail Parent, Producer : Jerry Leider, Producer : Robert Shapiro, Original Music Composer : Mark Mothersbaugh, Director of Photography : Stephen H. Burum, Editor : Anita Brandt-Burgoyne,
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